diff --git a/docs/mkdocs.yml b/docs/mkdocs.yml
index 038159e2995050102603534dfd9569691e998303..5457f33f4bb2d80e8abcceecf9b5e2c28f799510 100644
--- a/docs/mkdocs.yml
+++ b/docs/mkdocs.yml
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ extra_css:
  - admonition
  - attr_list
+ - footnotes
  - pymdownx.details
  - pymdownx.highlight
  - pymdownx.keys
@@ -30,3 +31,4 @@ nav:
  - Prerequisites: prerequisites.md
  - Build: build.md
  - Customization: customization.md
+ - Release Information: release.md
diff --git a/docs/src/release.md b/docs/src/release.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3639b3ffa14ea47312fc44ecf69967748dda0588
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/src/release.md
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+# Release Information
+!!! info "Prebuilt Image Download"
+    On the ["Releases" page in the GitLab
+    project](https://git.kontron-electronics.de/sw/ked/meta-ked-bsp/-/releases)
+    you can find download links for prebuilt binary images for our reference
+    hardware.
+## v6.0.0
+!!! note "Version Number"
+    The v6.0 release is the first version of the BSP. We are using this
+    version number to indicate that this is the successor of the legacy
+    i.MX Dunfell BSP with version number v5.0.
+### General
+* Usage of `kas` integration tool, replacing the custom scripts used in previous
+  BSPs
+* Usage of a new monorepo `meta-ked-bsp`, replacing the build and meta layer
+  repositories used in previous BSPs
+### Components
+* Yocto 4.0 LTS "Kirkstone" (layers compatible with 3.1 LTS "Dunfell")
+* Linux 6.1 LTS with KED backports and patches
+* U-Boot 2023.04 with KED backports and patches
+### Hardware
+| Product Numbers | Product Name | Product Type | Status |
+| --------------- | ------------ | ------------ | ------ |
+| 40099 122 | SL i.MX6 UL | SoM | Not Supported (Unverified) |
+| 40099 145 | SL i.MX6 ULL | SoM | Not Supported (Unverified) |
+| 40099 167 | SL STM32 MP157 | SoM | Not Supported (Planned) |
+| 40099 175<br>40099 185<br>40099 242<br>40099 212 | SL i.MX8M Mini Quad | SoM | Supported |
+| 40099 227<br>40099 229<br>40099 239<br>40099 231 | OSM-S i.MX8M Mini Quad | SoM | Supported |
+| 41099 248 | OSM-S i.MX8M Plus | SoM | Not Supported (Planned) |
+| 40099 148 | BL i.MX6 ULL | Board | Not Supported (Unverified) |
+| 40099 176 | BL STM32 MP157 | Board | Not Supported (Planned) |
+| 40099 187<br>40099 220 | BL i.MX8M-Mini Quad | Board | Supported (Basic[^1]) |
+### Breaking Changes compared to Dunfell BSP (5.0)
+* SPL and U-Boot proper images are now merged into a single `flash.bin` instead
+  of two separate images.
+* SPI NOR partitioning and offsets have been altered:
+  * single partition for U-Boot and SPL
+  * changed offset for environment to the end of the SPI NOR
+  * changed offset for U-Boot proper to be the same on SPI NOR and eMMC
+* U-Boot environment was reworked
+* SWUpdate configuration was optimized
+* Naming of layers, distro, images, etc. has been changed from `ktn` to `ked`
+### Known Issues
+* The onboard USB hub on the BL i.MX8MM doesn't work in U-Boot.
+* The A/B boot scheme can be bricked by multiple updates with a broken kernel
+  image.
+[^1]: Basic support doesn't include all features of the board. Especially
+      advanced peripherals like display, graphics, hardware acceleration units,
+      camera interfaces, etc. might not be supported or tested yet.
diff --git a/layers/meta-ked-imx/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-ktn_6.1.bb b/layers/meta-ked-imx/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-ktn_6.1.bb
index 1c02abfcd4f91a506f29652269f68f772a079f1d..140cedccaf3d56e3c92087276d1e1d676037e935 100644
--- a/layers/meta-ked-imx/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-ktn_6.1.bb
+++ b/layers/meta-ked-imx/recipes-kernel/linux/linux-ktn_6.1.bb
@@ -4,4 +4,4 @@ LIC_FILES_CHKSUM = "file://COPYING;md5=6bc538ed5bd9a7fc9398086aedcd7e46"
 # Linux v6.1.29 + KED patches
 SRCBRANCH = "v6.1-ktn"
-SRCREV = "ea91e6358937dc5a8d00f4c2adc6d5b970e60ce9"
+SRCREV = "e55dece26a53d540247dd59c92ea087194d76636"