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  • Peter Tyser's avatar
    Peter Tyser committed
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    # Tool mainly for U-Boot Quality Assurance: build one or more board
    # configurations with minimal verbosity, showing only warnings and
    # errors.
    # There are several ways to select which boards to build.
    # Traditionally, architecture names (like "powerpc"), CPU family names
    # (like "mpc83xx") or board names can be specified on the command
    # line; without any arguments, MAKEALL defaults to building all Power
    # Architecture systems (i. e. same as for "MAKEALL powerpc").
    # With the iontroduction of the board.cfg file, it has become possible
    # to provide additional selections.  We use standard command line
    # options for this:
    # -a or --arch	:	Select architecture
    # -c or --cpu	:	Select CPU family
    # -s or --soc	:	Select SoC type
    # -v or --vendor:	Select board vendor
    # Selections by these options are logically ANDed; if the same option
    # is used repeatedly, such selections are ORed.  So "-v FOO -v BAR"
    # will select all configurations where the vendor is either FOO or
    # BAR.  Any additional arguments specified on the command line are
    # always build additionally.
    # Examples:
    # - build all Power Architecture boards:
    #	MAKEALL -a powerpc
    #   or
    #	MAKEALL --arch powerpc
    #   or
    #	MAKEALL powerpc
    # - build all PowerPC boards manufactured by vendor "esd":
    #	MAKEALL -a powerpc -v esd
    # - build all PowerPC boards manufactured either by "keymile" or
    #   "siemens":
    #	MAKEALL -a powerpc -v keymile -v siemens
    # - build all Freescale boards with MPC83xx CPUs, plus all 4xx boards:
    #	MAKEALL -c mpc83xx -v freescale 4xx
    # Option processing based on util-linux-2.13/getopt-parse.bash
    # Note that we use `"$@"' to let each command-line parameter expand to a 
    # separate word. The quotes around `$@' are essential!
    # We need TEMP as the `eval set --' would nuke the return value of
    # getopt.
    TEMP=`getopt -o ${SHORT_OPTS} --long ${LONG_OPTS} \
         -n 'MAKEALL' -- "$@"`
    if [ $? != 0 ] ; then echo "Terminating..." >&2 ; exit 1 ; fi
    # Note the quotes around `$TEMP': they are essential!
    eval set -- "$TEMP"
    while true ; do
    	case "$1" in
    		# echo "Option ARCH: argument \`$2'"
    		if [ "$opt_a" ] ; then
    			opt_a="${opt_a%)} || \$2 == \"$2\")"
    			opt_a="(\$2 == \"$2\")"
    		shift 2 ;;
    		# echo "Option CPU: argument \`$2'"
    		if [ "$opt_c" ] ; then
    			opt_c="${opt_c%)} || \$3 == \"$2\")"
    			opt_c="(\$3 == \"$2\")"
    		shift 2 ;;
    		# echo "Option SoC: argument \`$2'"
    		if [ "$opt_s" ] ; then
    			opt_s="${opt_s%)} || \$6 == \"$2\")"
    			opt_s="(\$6 == \"$2\")"
    		shift 2 ;;
    		# echo "Option VENDOR: argument \`$2'"
    		if [ "$opt_v" ] ; then
    			opt_v="${opt_v%)} || \$5 == \"$2\")"
    			opt_v="(\$5 == \"$2\")"
    		shift 2 ;;
    		shift ; break ;;
    		echo "Internal error!" >&2 ; exit 1 ;;
    # echo "Remaining arguments:"
    # for arg do echo '--> '"\`$arg'" ; done
    FILTER="\$1 !~ /^#/"
    [ "$opt_a" ] && FILTER="${FILTER} && $opt_a"
    [ "$opt_c" ] && FILTER="${FILTER} && $opt_c"
    [ "$opt_s" ] && FILTER="${FILTER} && $opt_s"
    [ "$opt_v" ] && FILTER="${FILTER} && $opt_v"
    if [ "$SELECTED" ] ; then
    	SELECTED=$(awk '('"$FILTER"') { print $1 }' boards.cfg)
    # Print statistics when we exit
    trap exit 1 2 3 15
    trap print_stats 0
    # Determine number of CPU cores if no default was set
    : ${BUILD_NCPUS:="`getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN`"}
    if [ "$BUILD_NCPUS" -gt 1 ]
    Peter Tyser's avatar
    Peter Tyser committed
    	JOBS="-j $((BUILD_NCPUS + 1))"
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    if [ "${CROSS_COMPILE}" ] ; then
    if [ "${MAKEALL_LOGDIR}" ] ; then
    if [ ! "${BUILD_DIR}" ] ; then
    [ -d ${LOG_DIR} ] || mkdir ${LOG_DIR} || exit 1
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    # Keep track of the number of builds and errors
    Peter Tyser's avatar
    Peter Tyser committed
    # Helper funcs for parsing boards.cfg
    	awk \
    		-v field="$1" \
    		-v select="$2" \
    		'($1 !~ /^#/ && $field == select) { print $1 }' \
    boards_by_arch() { boards_by_field 2 "$@" ; }
    boards_by_cpu()  { boards_by_field 3 "$@" ; }
    ## MPC5xx Systems
    LIST_5xx="$(boards_by_cpu mpc5xx)"
    ## MPC5xxx Systems
    LIST_5xxx="$(boards_by_cpu mpc5xxx)"
    ## MPC512x Systems
    LIST_512x="$(boards_by_cpu mpc512x)"
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    ## MPC8xx Systems
    LIST_8xx="$(boards_by_cpu mpc8xx)"
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    ## PPC4xx Systems
    LIST_4xx="$(boards_by_cpu ppc4xx)"
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    ## MPC8220 Systems
    LIST_8220="$(boards_by_cpu mpc8220)"
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    ## MPC824x Systems
    LIST_824x="$(boards_by_cpu mpc824x)"
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    ## MPC8260 Systems (includes 8250, 8255 etc.)
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    LIST_8260="$(boards_by_cpu mpc8260)"
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    Eran Liberty's avatar
    Eran Liberty committed
    ## MPC83xx Systems (includes 8349, etc.)
    LIST_83xx="$(boards_by_cpu mpc83xx)"
    ## MPC85xx Systems (includes 8540, 8560 etc.)
    LIST_85xx="$(boards_by_cpu mpc85xx)"
    ## MPC86xx Systems
    LIST_86xx="$(boards_by_cpu mpc86xx)"
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    ## 74xx/7xx Systems
    LIST_74xx_7xx="$(boards_by_cpu 74xx_7xx)"
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    ## PowerPC groups
    LIST_TSEC="		\
    	${LIST_83xx}	\
    	${LIST_85xx}	\
    	${LIST_86xx}	\
    LIST_powerpc="		\
    	${LIST_5xxx}	\
    	${LIST_8xx}	\
    	${LIST_8220}	\
    	${LIST_824x}	\
    	${LIST_8260}	\
    	${LIST_83xx}	\
    	${LIST_85xx}	\
    	${LIST_86xx}	\
    	${LIST_4xx}	\
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    # Alias "ppc" -> "powerpc" to not break compatibility with older scripts
    # still using "ppc" instead of "powerpc"
    LIST_ppc="		\
    	${LIST_powerpc}	\
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    ## StrongARM Systems
    LIST_SA="$(boards_by_cpu sa1100)"
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    ## ARM7 Systems
    LIST_ARM7="		\
    	ap7		\
    	ap720t		\
    	armadillo	\
    	B2		\
    	ep7312		\
    	evb4510		\
    	impa7		\
    	integratorap	\
    	lpc2292sodimm	\
    	modnet50	\
    	SMN42		\
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    ## ARM9 Systems
    	ap920t			\
    	ap922_XA10		\
    	ap926ejs		\
    	ap946es			\
    	ap966			\
    	cp920t			\
    	cp922_XA10		\
    	cp926ejs		\
    	cp946es			\
    	cp966			\
    	edb9301			\
    	edb9302			\
    	edb9302a		\
    	edb9307			\
    	edb9307a		\
    	edb9312			\
    	edb9315			\
    	edb9315a		\
    	guruplug		\
    	mv88f6281gtw_ge		\
    	mx1ads			\
    	mx1fs2			\
    	netstar			\
    	nhk8815			\
    	nhk8815_onenand		\
    	omap1510inn		\
    	omap1610h2		\
    	omap1610inn		\
    	omap5912osk		\
    	openrd_base		\
    	rd6281a			\
    	sbc2410x		\
    	scb9328			\
    	sheevaplug		\
    	smdk2400		\
    	smdk2410		\
    	trab			\
    	VCMA9			\
    	versatile		\
    	versatileab		\
    	versatilepb		\
    	voiceblue		\
    	davinci_dvevm		\
    	davinci_schmoogie	\
    	davinci_sonata		\
    David Brownell's avatar
    David Brownell committed
    	davinci_dm355evm	\
    	davinci_dm355leopard	\
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    ## ARM10 Systems
    LIST_ARM10="		\
    	integratorcp	\
    	cp1026		\
    ## ARM11 Systems
    LIST_ARM11="			\
    	cp1136			\
    	omap2420h4		\
    	apollon			\
    	imx31_litekit		\
    	imx31_phycore		\
    	imx31_phycore_eet	\
    	mx31ads			\
    	tnetv107x_evm		\
    	am3517_evm		\
    Dirk Behme's avatar
    Dirk Behme committed
    	omap3_overo		\
    Dirk Behme's avatar
    Dirk Behme committed
    	omap3_evm		\
    Dirk Behme's avatar
    Dirk Behme committed
    	omap3_pandora		\
    	omap3_sdp3430		\
    	omap3_zoom1		\
    	omap3_zoom2		\
    	omap4_panda		\
    	omap4_sdp4430		\
    	smdkc100		\
    ## AT91 Systems
    LIST_at91="			\
    	afeb9260		\
    	at91cap9adk		\
    	at91rm9200dk		\
    	at91rm9200ek		\
    	at91sam9260ek		\
    	at91sam9261ek		\
    	at91sam9263ek		\
    	at91sam9g10ek		\
    	at91sam9g20ek		\
    	at91sam9m10g45ek	\
    	at91sam9rlek		\
    	cmc_pu2			\
    	CPUAT91			\
    	CPU9260			\
    	CPU9G20			\
    Jens Scharsig's avatar
    Jens Scharsig committed
    	eb_cpux9k2		\
    	kb9202			\
    	meesc			\
    	mp2usb			\
    	m501sk			\
    	pm9261			\
    	pm9263			\
    Asen Dimov's avatar
    Asen Dimov committed
    	pm9g45			\
    	SBC35_A9G20		\
    	TNY_A9260		\
    	TNY_A9G20		\
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    ## Xscale Systems
    LIST_pxa="$(boards_by_cpu pxa)"
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    LIST_ixp="$(boards_by_cpu ixp)
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    ## ARM groups
    LIST_arm="			\
    	${LIST_SA}		\
    	${LIST_ARM7}		\
    	${LIST_ARM9}		\
    	${LIST_ARM10}		\
    	${LIST_ARM11}		\
    	${LIST_at91}		\
    	${LIST_pxa}		\
    	${LIST_ixp}		\
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    ## MIPS Systems		(default = big endian)
    LIST_mips4kc="		\
    	incaip		\
    	qemu_mips	\
    	vct_platinum	\
    	vct_platinum_small	\
    	vct_platinum_onenand	\
    	vct_platinum_onenand_small	\
    	vct_platinumavc	\
    	vct_platinumavc_small	\
    	vct_platinumavc_onenand	\
    	vct_platinumavc_onenand_small	\
    	vct_premium	\
    	vct_premium_small	\
    	vct_premium_onenand	\
    	vct_premium_onenand_small	\
    LIST_mips5kc="		\
    	purple		\
    LIST_au1xx0="		\
    	dbau1000	\
    	dbau1100	\
    	dbau1500	\
    	dbau1550	\
    	dbau1550_el	\
    	gth2		\
    LIST_mips="		\
    	${LIST_mips4kc}	\
    	${LIST_mips5kc}	\
    	${LIST_au1xx0}	\
    ## MIPS Systems		(little endian)
    LIST_au1xx0_el="	\
    	dbau1550_el	\
    LIST_mips_el="			\
    	${LIST_mips4kc_el}	\
    	${LIST_mips5kc_el}	\
    	${LIST_au1xx0_el}	\
    ## i386 Systems
    LIST_x86="$(boards_by_arch i386)"
    ## Nios-II Systems
    LIST_nios2="$(boards_by_arch nios2)
    	nios2-generic	\
    ## MicroBlaze Systems
    LIST_microblaze="$(boards_by_arch microblaze)"
    ## ColdFire Systems
    LIST_coldfire="$(boards_by_arch m68k)
    	astro_mcf5373l		\
    	cobra5272		\
    	EB+MCF-EV123		\
    	EB+MCF-EV123_internal	\
    	M5329AFEE		\
    	M5373EVB		\
    	M54455EVB		\
    ## AVR32 Systems
    LIST_avr32="$(boards_by_arch avr32)"
    ## Blackfin Systems
    LIST_blackfin="$(boards_by_arch blackfin)"
    ## SH Systems
    LIST_sh2="$(boards_by_cpu sh2)"
    LIST_sh3="$(boards_by_cpu sh3)"
    LIST_sh4="$(boards_by_cpu sh4)"
    LIST_sh="$(boards_by_arch sh)"
    ## SPARC Systems
    LIST_sparc="$(boards_by_arch sparc)"
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    build_target() {
    	${MAKE} distclean >/dev/null
    	${MAKE} -s ${target}_config
    	${MAKE} ${JOBS} all 2>&1 >${LOG_DIR}/$target.MAKELOG \
    				| tee ${LOG_DIR}/$target.ERR
    Peter Tyser's avatar
    Peter Tyser committed
    	# Check for 'make' errors
    	if [ ${PIPESTATUS[0]} -ne 0 ] ; then
    	if [ -s ${LOG_DIR}/$target.ERR ] ; then
    		ERR_CNT=$((ERR_CNT + 1))
    		ERR_LIST="${ERR_LIST} $target"
    		rm ${LOG_DIR}/$target.ERR
    	TOTAL_CNT=$((TOTAL_CNT + 1))
    	${CROSS_COMPILE}size ${BUILD_DIR}/u-boot \
    				| tee -a ${LOG_DIR}/$target.MAKELOG
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    build_targets() {
    	for t in "$@" ; do
    		# If a LIST_xxx var exists, use it.  But avoid variable
    		# expansion in the eval when a board name contains certain
    		# characters that the shell interprets.
    		case ${t} in
    			*[-+=]*) list= ;;
    			*)       list=$(eval echo '${LIST_'$t'}') ;;
    		if [ -n "${list}" ] ; then
    			build_targets ${list}
    			build_target ${t}
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    print_stats() {
    	echo ""
    	echo "--------------------- SUMMARY ----------------------------"
    	echo "Boards compiled: ${TOTAL_CNT}"
    	if [ ${ERR_CNT} -gt 0 ] ; then
    		echo "Boards with warnings or errors: ${ERR_CNT} (${ERR_LIST} )"
    	echo "----------------------------------------------------------"
    Peter Tyser's avatar
    Peter Tyser committed
    	exit $RC
    Wolfgang Denk's avatar
    Wolfgang Denk committed
    # Build target groups selected by options, plus any command line args
    set -- ${SELECTED} "$@"
    # run PowerPC by default
    [ $# = 0 ] && set -- powerpc
    build_targets "$@"