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  • /*
     * (C) Copyright 2001
     * Murray Jensen, CSIRO-MIT, <>
     * SPDX-License-Identifier:	GPL-2.0+
    #ifndef _HYMOD_H_
    #define _HYMOD_H_
    #include <asm/iopin_8260.h>
     * hymod configuration data - passed by boot code via the board information
     * structure (only U-Boot has support for this at the moment)
     * there are three types of data passed up from the boot monitor. the first
     * (type hymod_eeprom_t) is the eeprom data that was read off both the main
     * (or mother) board and the mezzanine board (if any). this data defines how
     * many Xilinx fpgas are on each board, and their types (among other things).
     * the second type of data (type xlx_mmap_t, one per Xilinx fpga) defines where
     * in the physical address space the various Xilinx fpga access regions have
     * been mapped by the boot rom. the third type of data (type xlx_iopins_t,
     * one per Xilinx fpga) defines which io port pins are connected to the various
     * signals required to program a Xilinx fpga.
     * A ram/flash "bank" refers to memory controlled by the same chip select.
     * the eeprom contents are defined as in technical note #2 - basically,
     * a header, zero or more records in no particular order, and a 32 bit crc
     * a record is 1 or more type bytes, a length byte and "length" bytes.
    #define HYMOD_EEPROM_ID		0xAA	/* eeprom id byte */
    #define HYMOD_EEPROM_VER	1	/* eeprom contents version (0-127) */
    #define HYMOD_EEPROM_SIZE	256	/* number of bytes in the eeprom */
    /* eeprom header */
        struct {
    	unsigned char id;		/* eeprom id byte */
    	unsigned char :1;
    	unsigned char ver:7;		/* eeprom contents version number */
    	unsigned long len;		/* total # of bytes btw hdr and crc */
    /* maximum number of bytes available for eeprom data records */
    					- sizeof (hymod_eehdr_t) \
    					- sizeof (unsigned long))
    /* eeprom data record */
        union {
    	struct {
    	    unsigned char topbit:1;
    	    unsigned char type:7;
    	    unsigned char len;
    	    unsigned char data[1];	/* variable length */
    	} small;
    	struct {
    	    unsigned short topbit:1;
    	    unsigned short nxtbit:1;
    	    unsigned short type:14;
    	    unsigned short len;
    	    unsigned char data[1];	/* variable length */
    	} medium;
    	struct {
    	    unsigned long topbit:1;
    	    unsigned long nxtbit:1;
    	    unsigned long type:30;
    	    unsigned long len;
    	    unsigned char data[1];	/* variable length */
    	} large;
    #define HYMOD_EEOFF_MAIN	0x00	/* i2c addr offset for main eeprom */
    #define HYMOD_EEOFF_MEZZ	0x04	/* i2c addr offset for mezz eepomr */
    /* eeprom record types */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_SERNO	1	/* serial number */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_DATE	2	/* date */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_BATCH	3	/* batch id */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_TYPE	4	/* board type */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_REV		5	/* revision number */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_SDRAM	6	/* sdram sizes */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_FLASH	7	/* flash sizes */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_ZBT		8	/* zbt ram sizes */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_XLXTYP	9	/* Xilinx fpga types */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_XLXSPD	10	/* Xilinx fpga speeds */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_XLXTMP	11	/* Xilinx fpga temperatures */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_XLXGRD	12	/* Xilinx fpga grades */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_CPUTYP	13	/* Motorola CPU type */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_CPUSPD	14	/* CPU speed */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_BUSSPD	15	/* bus speed */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_CPMSPD	16	/* CPM speed */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_HSTYPE	17	/* high-speed serial chip type */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_HSCHIN	18	/* high-speed serial input channels */
    #define HYMOD_EEREC_HSCHOUT	19	/* high-speed serial output channels */
    /* some dimensions */
    #define HYMOD_MAX_BATCH		32	/* max no. of bytes in batch id */
    #define HYMOD_MAX_SDRAM		4	/* max sdram "banks" on any board */
    #define HYMOD_MAX_FLASH		4	/* max flash "banks" on any board */
    #define HYMOD_MAX_ZBT		16	/* max ZBT rams on any board */
    #define HYMOD_MAX_XLX		4	/* max Xilinx fpgas on any board */
    #define HYMOD_MAX_BYTES		16	/* enough to store any bytes array */
    /* board types */
    #define HYMOD_BDTYPE_NONE	0	/* information not present */
    #define HYMOD_BDTYPE_IO		1	/* I/O main board */
    #define HYMOD_BDTYPE_CLP	2	/* CLP main board */
    #define HYMOD_BDTYPE_DSP	3	/* DSP main board */
    #define HYMOD_BDTYPE_INPUT	4	/* video input mezzanine board */
    #define HYMOD_BDTYPE_ALTINPUT	5	/* video input mezzanine board */
    #define HYMOD_BDTYPE_DISPLAY	6	/* video display mezzanine board */
    #define HYMOD_BDTYPE_MAX	7	/* first invalid value */
    /* Xilinx fpga types */
    #define HYMOD_XTYP_NONE		0	/* information not present */
    #define HYMOD_XTYP_XCV300E	1	/* Xilinx Virtex 300 */
    #define HYMOD_XTYP_XCV400E	2	/* Xilinx Virtex 400 */
    #define HYMOD_XTYP_XCV600E	3	/* Xilinx Virtex 600 */
    #define HYMOD_XTYP_MAX		4	/* first invalid value */
    /* Xilinx fpga speeds */
    #define HYMOD_XSPD_NONE		0	/* information not present */
    #define HYMOD_XSPD_SIX		1
    #define HYMOD_XSPD_SEVEN	2
    #define HYMOD_XSPD_EIGHT	3
    #define HYMOD_XSPD_MAX		4	/* first invalid value */
    /* Xilinx fpga temperatures */
    #define HYMOD_XTMP_NONE		0	/* information not present */
    #define HYMOD_XTMP_COM		1
    #define HYMOD_XTMP_IND		2
    #define HYMOD_XTMP_MAX		3	/* first invalid value */
    /* Xilinx fpga grades */
    #define HYMOD_XTMP_NONE		0	/* information not present */
    #define HYMOD_XTMP_NORMAL	1
    #define HYMOD_XTMP_ENGSAMP	2
    #define HYMOD_XTMP_MAX		3	/* first invalid value */
    /* CPU types */
    #define HYMOD_CPUTYPE_NONE	0	/* information not present */
    #define HYMOD_CPUTYPE_MPC8260	1	/* Motorola MPC8260 embedded powerpc */
    #define HYMOD_CPUTYPE_MAX	2	/* first invalid value */
    /* CPU/BUS/CPM clock speeds */
    #define HYMOD_CLKSPD_NONE	0	/* information not present */
    #define HYMOD_CLKSPD_33MHZ	1
    #define HYMOD_CLKSPD_66MHZ	2
    #define HYMOD_CLKSPD_100MHZ	3
    #define HYMOD_CLKSPD_133MHZ	4
    #define HYMOD_CLKSPD_166MHZ	5
    #define HYMOD_CLKSPD_200MHZ	6
    #define HYMOD_CLKSPD_MAX	7	/* first invalid value */
    /* high speed serial chip types */
    #define HYMOD_HSSTYPE_NONE	0	/* information not present */
    #define HYMOD_HSSTYPE_AMCC52064	1
    #define HYMOD_HSSTYPE_MAX	2	/* first invalid value */
    /* a date (yyyy-mm-dd) */
        struct {
    	unsigned short year;
    	unsigned char month;
    	unsigned char day;
    /* describes a Xilinx fpga */
        struct {
    	unsigned char type;		/* chip type */
    	unsigned char speed;		/* chip speed rating */
    	unsigned char temp;		/* chip temperature rating */
    	unsigned char grade;		/* chip grade */
    /* describes a Motorola embedded processor */
        struct {
    	unsigned char type;		/* CPU type */
    	unsigned char cpuspd;		/* speed of the PowerPC core */
    	unsigned char busspd;		/* speed of the system and 60x bus */
    	unsigned char cpmspd;		/* speed of the CPM co-processor */
    /* info about high-speed (1Gbit) serial interface */
        struct {
    	unsigned char type;		/* high-speed serial chip type */
    	unsigned char nchin;		/* number of input channels mounted */
    	unsigned char nchout;		/* number of output channels mounted */
     * this defines the contents of the serial eeprom that exists on every
     * hymod board, including mezzanine boards (the serial eeprom will be
     * faked for early development boards that don't have one)
        struct {
    	unsigned char valid:1;		/* contents of this struct is valid */
    	unsigned char ver:7;		/* eeprom contents version */
    	unsigned char bdtype;		/* board type */
    	unsigned char bdrev;		/* board revision */
    	unsigned char batchlen;		/* length of batch string below */
    	unsigned long serno;		/* serial number */
    	hymod_date_t date;		/* manufacture date */
    	unsigned char batch[32];	/* manufacturer specific batch id */
    	unsigned char nsdram;		/* # of ram "banks" */
    	unsigned char nflash;		/* # of flash "banks" */
    	unsigned char nzbt;		/* # of ZBT rams */
    	unsigned char nxlx;		/* # of Xilinx fpgas */
    	unsigned char sdramsz[HYMOD_MAX_SDRAM];	/* log2 of sdram size */
    	unsigned char flashsz[HYMOD_MAX_FLASH];	/* log2 of flash size */
    	unsigned char zbtsz[HYMOD_MAX_ZBT];	/* log2 of ZBT ram size */
    	hymod_xlx_t xlx[HYMOD_MAX_XLX];	/* Xilinx fpga info */
    	hymod_mpc_t mpc;		/* Motorola MPC CPU info */
    	hymod_hss_t hss;		/* high-speed serial info */
     * this defines a region in the processor's physical address space
        struct {
    	unsigned long exists:1;		/* 1 if the region exists, 0 if not */
    	unsigned long size:31;		/* size in bytes */
    	unsigned long base;		/* base address */
     * this defines where the various Xilinx fpga access regions are mapped
     * into the physical address space of the processor
        struct {
    	xlx_prgn_t prog;		/* program access region */
    	xlx_prgn_t reg;			/* register access region */
    	xlx_prgn_t port;		/* port access region */
     * this defines which 8260 i/o port pins are connected to the various
     * signals required for programming a Xilinx fpga
        struct {
    	iopin_t prog_pin;		/* assert for >= 300ns to program */
    	iopin_t init_pin;		/* goes high when fpga is cleared */
    	iopin_t done_pin;		/* goes high when program is done */
    	iopin_t enable_pin;		/* some fpgas need enabling */
    /* all info about one Xilinx chip */
        struct {
    	xlx_mmap_t mmap;
    	xlx_iopins_t iopins;
    	unsigned long irq:8;		/* h/w intr req number for this fpga */
    /* all info about one hymod board */
        struct {
    	hymod_eeprom_t eeprom;
    	xlx_info_t xlx[HYMOD_MAX_XLX];
     * this defines the configuration information of a hymod board-set
     * (main board + possible mezzanine board). In future, there may be
     * more than one mezzanine board (stackable?) - if so, add a "mezz2"
     * field, and so on... or make mezz an array?
        struct {
    	unsigned long ver:8;		/* version control */
    	hymod_board_t main;		/* main board info */
    	hymod_board_t mezz;		/* mezzanine board info */
    	unsigned long crc;		/* ensures kernel and boot prom agree */
    #endif /* _HYMOD_H_ */