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  • # Copyright (c) 2014 Google, Inc
    # SPDX-License-Identifier:      GPL-2.0+
    import errno
    import glob
    import os
    import shutil
    import threading
    import command
    import gitutil
    def Mkdir(dirname):
        """Make a directory if it doesn't already exist.
            dirname: Directory to create
        except OSError as err:
            if err.errno == errno.EEXIST:
    class BuilderJob:
        """Holds information about a job to be performed by a thread
            board: Board object to build
            commits: List of commit options to build.
        def __init__(self):
            self.board = None
            self.commits = []
    class ResultThread(threading.Thread):
        """This thread processes results from builder threads.
        It simply passes the results on to the builder. There is only one
        result thread, and this helps to serialise the build output.
        def __init__(self, builder):
            """Set up a new result thread
                builder: Builder which will be sent each result
            self.builder = builder
        def run(self):
            """Called to start up the result thread.
            We collect the next result job and pass it on to the build.
            while True:
                result = self.builder.out_queue.get()
    class BuilderThread(threading.Thread):
        """This thread builds U-Boot for a particular board.
        An input queue provides each new job. We run 'make' to build U-Boot
        and then pass the results on to the output queue.
            builder: The builder which contains information we might need
            thread_num: Our thread number (0-n-1), used to decide on a
                    temporary directory
        def __init__(self, builder, thread_num):
            """Set up a new builder thread"""
            self.builder = builder
            self.thread_num = thread_num
        def Make(self, commit, brd, stage, cwd, *args, **kwargs):
            """Run 'make' on a particular commit and board.
            The source code will already be checked out, so the 'commit'
            argument is only for information.
                commit: Commit object that is being built
                brd: Board object that is being built
                stage: Stage of the build. Valid stages are:
                            mrproper - can be called to clean source
                            config - called to configure for a board
                            build - the main make invocation - it does the build
                args: A list of arguments to pass to 'make'
                kwargs: A list of keyword arguments to pass to command.RunPipe()
                CommandResult object
            return self.builder.do_make(commit, brd, stage, cwd, *args,
        def RunCommit(self, commit_upto, brd, work_dir, do_config, force_build,
            """Build a particular commit.
            If the build is already done, and we are not forcing a build, we skip
            the build and just return the previously-saved results.
                commit_upto: Commit number to build (0...n-1)
                brd: Board object to build
                work_dir: Directory to which the source will be checked out
                do_config: True to run a make <board>_defconfig on the source
                force_build: Force a build even if one was previously done
                force_build_failures: Force a bulid if the previous result showed
                tuple containing:
                    - CommandResult object containing the results of the build
                    - boolean indicating whether 'make config' is still needed
            # Create a default result - it will be overwritte by the call to
            # self.Make() below, in the event that we do a build.
            result = command.CommandResult()
            result.return_code = 0
            if self.builder.in_tree:
                out_dir = work_dir
                out_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, 'build')
            # Check if the job was already completed last time
            done_file = self.builder.GetDoneFile(commit_upto,
            result.already_done = os.path.exists(done_file)
            will_build = (force_build or force_build_failures or
                not result.already_done)
            if result.already_done and will_build:
                # Get the return code from that build and use it
                with open(done_file, 'r') as fd:
                    result.return_code = int(fd.readline())
                err_file = self.builder.GetErrFile(commit_upto,
                if os.path.exists(err_file) and os.stat(err_file).st_size:
                    result.stderr = 'bad'
                elif not force_build:
                    # The build passed, so no need to build it again
                    will_build = False
            if will_build:
                # We are going to have to build it. First, get a toolchain
                if not self.toolchain:
                        self.toolchain = self.builder.toolchains.Select(brd.arch)
                    except ValueError as err:
                        result.return_code = 10
                        result.stdout = ''
                        result.stderr = str(err)
                        # TODO( This gets swallowed, but needs
                        # to be reported.
                if self.toolchain:
                    # Checkout the right commit
                    if self.builder.commits:
                        commit = self.builder.commits[commit_upto]
                        if self.builder.checkout:
                            git_dir = os.path.join(work_dir, '.git')
                            gitutil.Checkout(commit.hash, git_dir, work_dir,
                        commit = 'current'
                    # Set up the environment and command line
                    env = self.toolchain.MakeEnvironment()
                    args = []
                    cwd = work_dir
                    if not self.builder.in_tree:
                        if commit_upto is None:
                            # In this case we are building in the original source
                            # directory (i.e. the current directory where buildman
                            # is invoked. The output directory is set to this
                            # thread's selected work directory.
                            # Symlinks can confuse U-Boot's Makefile since
                            # we may use '..' in our path, so remove them.
                            work_dir = os.path.realpath(work_dir)
                            args.append('O=%s/build' % work_dir)
                            cwd = None
                    if self.builder.num_jobs is not None:
                        args.extend(['-j', str(self.builder.num_jobs)])
                    config_args = ['%s_defconfig' %]
                    config_out = ''
                    # If we need to reconfigure, do that now
                    if do_config:
                        result = self.Make(commit, brd, 'mrproper', cwd,
                                'mrproper', *args, env=env)
                        result = self.Make(commit, brd, 'config', cwd,
                                *(args + config_args), env=env)
                        config_out = result.combined
                        do_config = False   # No need to configure next time
                    if result.return_code == 0:
                        result = self.Make(commit, brd, 'build', cwd, *args,
                        result.stdout = config_out + result.stdout
                    result.return_code = 1
                    result.stderr = 'No tool chain for %s\n' % brd.arch
                result.already_done = False
            result.toolchain = self.toolchain
            result.brd = brd
            result.commit_upto = commit_upto
            result.out_dir = out_dir
            return result, do_config
        def _WriteResult(self, result, keep_outputs):
            """Write a built result to the output directory.
                result: CommandResult object containing result to write
                keep_outputs: True to store the output binaries, False
                    to delete them
            # Fatal error
            if result.return_code < 0:
            # Aborted?
            if result.stderr and 'No child processes' in result.stderr:
            if result.already_done:
            # Write the output and stderr
            output_dir = self.builder._GetOutputDir(result.commit_upto)
            build_dir = self.builder.GetBuildDir(result.commit_upto,
            outfile = os.path.join(build_dir, 'log')
            with open(outfile, 'w') as fd:
                if result.stdout:
            errfile = self.builder.GetErrFile(result.commit_upto,
            if result.stderr:
                with open(errfile, 'w') as fd:
            elif os.path.exists(errfile):
            if result.toolchain:
                # Write the build result and toolchain information.
                done_file = self.builder.GetDoneFile(result.commit_upto,
                with open(done_file, 'w') as fd:
                    fd.write('%s' % result.return_code)
                with open(os.path.join(build_dir, 'toolchain'), 'w') as fd:
                    print >>fd, 'gcc', result.toolchain.gcc
                    print >>fd, 'path', result.toolchain.path
                    print >>fd, 'cross', result.toolchain.cross
                    print >>fd, 'arch', result.toolchain.arch
                    fd.write('%s' % result.return_code)
                with open(os.path.join(build_dir, 'toolchain'), 'w') as fd:
                    print >>fd, 'gcc', result.toolchain.gcc
                    print >>fd, 'path', result.toolchain.path
                # Write out the image and function size information and an objdump
                env = result.toolchain.MakeEnvironment()
                lines = []
                for fname in ['u-boot', 'spl/u-boot-spl']:
                    cmd = ['%snm' % self.toolchain.cross, '--size-sort', fname]
                    nm_result = command.RunPipe([cmd], capture=True,
                            capture_stderr=True, cwd=result.out_dir,
                            raise_on_error=False, env=env)
                    if nm_result.stdout:
                        nm = self.builder.GetFuncSizesFile(result.commit_upto,
                              , fname)
                        with open(nm, 'w') as fd:
                            print >>fd, nm_result.stdout,
                    cmd = ['%sobjdump' % self.toolchain.cross, '-h', fname]
                    dump_result = command.RunPipe([cmd], capture=True,
                            capture_stderr=True, cwd=result.out_dir,
                            raise_on_error=False, env=env)
                    rodata_size = ''
                    if dump_result.stdout:
                        objdump = self.builder.GetObjdumpFile(result.commit_upto,
                              , fname)
                        with open(objdump, 'w') as fd:
                            print >>fd, dump_result.stdout,
                        for line in dump_result.stdout.splitlines():
                            fields = line.split()
                            if len(fields) > 5 and fields[1] == '.rodata':
                                rodata_size = fields[2]
                    cmd = ['%ssize' % self.toolchain.cross, fname]
                    size_result = command.RunPipe([cmd], capture=True,
                            capture_stderr=True, cwd=result.out_dir,
                            raise_on_error=False, env=env)
                    if size_result.stdout:
                        lines.append(size_result.stdout.splitlines()[1] + ' ' +
                # Write out the image sizes file. This is similar to the output
                # of binutil's 'size' utility, but it omits the header line and
                # adds an additional hex value at the end of each line for the
                # rodata size
                if len(lines):
                    sizes = self.builder.GetSizesFile(result.commit_upto,
                    with open(sizes, 'w') as fd:
                        print >>fd, '\n'.join(lines)
            # Now write the actual build output
            if keep_outputs:
                patterns = ['u-boot', '*.bin', 'u-boot.dtb', '*.map',
                            'include/', 'spl/u-boot-spl',
                for pattern in patterns:
                    file_list = glob.glob(os.path.join(result.out_dir, pattern))
                    for fname in file_list:
                        shutil.copy(fname, build_dir)
        def RunJob(self, job):
            """Run a single job
            A job consists of a building a list of commits for a particular board.
                job: Job to build
            brd = job.board
            work_dir = self.builder.GetThreadDir(self.thread_num)
            self.toolchain = None
            if job.commits:
                # Run 'make board_defconfig' on the first commit
                do_config = True
                commit_upto  = 0
                force_build = False
                for commit_upto in range(0, len(job.commits), job.step):
                    result, request_config = self.RunCommit(commit_upto, brd,
                            work_dir, do_config,
                            force_build or self.builder.force_build,
                    failed = result.return_code or result.stderr
                    did_config = do_config
                    if failed and not do_config:
                        # If our incremental build failed, try building again
                        # with a reconfig.
                        if self.builder.force_config_on_failure:
                            result, request_config = self.RunCommit(commit_upto,
                                brd, work_dir, True, True, False)
                            did_config = True
                    if not self.builder.force_reconfig:
                        do_config = request_config
                    # If we built that commit, then config is done. But if we got
                    # an warning, reconfig next time to force it to build the same
                    # files that created warnings this time. Otherwise an
                    # incremental build may not build the same file, and we will
                    # think that the warning has gone away.
                    # We could avoid this by using -Werror everywhere...
                    # For errors, the problem doesn't happen, since presumably
                    # the build stopped and didn't generate output, so will retry
                    # that file next time. So we could detect warnings and deal
                    # with them specially here. For now, we just reconfigure if
                    # anything goes work.
                    # Of course this is substantially slower if there are build
                    # errors/warnings (e.g. 2-3x slower even if only 10% of builds
                    # have problems).
                    if (failed and not result.already_done and not did_config and
                        # If this build failed, try the next one with a
                        # reconfigure.
                        # Sometimes if the board_config.h file changes it can mess
                        # with dependencies, and we get:
                        # make: *** No rule to make target `include/',
                        #     needed by `depend'.
                        do_config = True
                        force_build = True
                        force_build = False
                        if self.builder.force_config_on_failure:
                            if failed:
                                do_config = True
                        result.commit_upto = commit_upto
                        if result.return_code < 0:
                            raise ValueError('Interrupt')
                    # We have the build results, so output the result
                    self._WriteResult(result, job.keep_outputs)
                # Just build the currently checked-out build
                result, request_config = self.RunCommit(None, brd, work_dir, True,
                            True, self.builder.force_build_failures)
                result.commit_upto = 0
                self._WriteResult(result, job.keep_outputs)
        def run(self):
            """Our thread's run function
            This thread picks a job from the queue, runs it, and then goes to the
            next job.
            alive = True
            while True:
                job = self.builder.queue.get()
                if and alive:
                    if and alive:
                except Exception as err:
                    alive = False
                    print err