@@ -193,6 +193,14 @@ of all Qt Objects. For further information on the usage of GammaRay visit the
@@ -193,6 +193,14 @@ of all Qt Objects. For further information on the usage of GammaRay visit the
Qt offers several options concerning framebuffer, eglfs, input devices, etc. that can be set via environment variables.
Qt offers several options concerning framebuffer, eglfs, input devices, etc. that can be set via environment variables.
Please use this page as a reference for the available options: [Qt for Embedded Linux](http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/embedded-linux.html)
Please use this page as a reference for the available options: [Qt for Embedded Linux](http://doc.qt.io/qt-5/embedded-linux.html)
### QML Software Rendering
To be able to use QML/QtQuick applications on SoCs without GPU, it is possible to select the included software renderer.
This enables you to use QML/QtQuick for example on our SoMs with i.MX6UL/ULL. Some features [such as shaders, etc. won't be available](http://doc.qt.io/QtQuick2DRenderer/qtquick2drenderer-limitations.html) and you might experience performance issues,
depending on how your application is designed.
To use the software backend, set `QT_QUICK_BACKEND=software` in your environment.
## Creating a Yocto-recipe for a Qt-app
## Creating a Yocto-recipe for a Qt-app
To build your Qt-app with bitbake and include it in a Yocto-image, you have to create a recipe similar to the following example. Create it as `your-app_version.bb` in your custom layer `meta-customer/recipes-customer/your-app/`.
To build your Qt-app with bitbake and include it in a Yocto-image, you have to create a recipe similar to the following example. Create it as `your-app_version.bb` in your custom layer `meta-customer/recipes-customer/your-app/`.
The example fetches the sources from a GIT-repository. Instead of that, the sources can also be fetched from local files in the recipe directory, from a tarball or a SVN-server. See the [Yocto-Dev-Manual](http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/dev-manual/dev-manual.html) for more information on how to [write your own recipe](http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/dev-manual/dev-manual.html#new-recipe-writing-a-new-recipe).
The example fetches the sources from a GIT-repository. Instead of that, the sources can also be fetched from local files in the recipe directory, from a tarball or a SVN-server. See the [Yocto-Dev-Manual](http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/dev-manual/dev-manual.html) for more information on how to [write your own recipe](http://www.yoctoproject.org/docs/latest/dev-manual/dev-manual.html#new-recipe-writing-a-new-recipe).