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#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# (c) 2007, Joe Perches <>
#           created from
# Print selected MAINTAINERS information for
# the files modified in a patch or for a file
# usage: perl scripts/ [OPTIONS] <patch>
#        perl scripts/ [OPTIONS] -f <file>
# Licensed under the terms of the GNU GPL License version 2

use strict;

my $P = $0;
my $V = '0.26';

use Getopt::Long qw(:config no_auto_abbrev);

my $lk_path = "./";
my $email = 1;
my $email_usename = 1;
my $email_maintainer = 1;
my $email_list = 1;
my $email_subscriber_list = 0;
my $email_git_penguin_chiefs = 0;
my $email_git = 0;
my $email_git_all_signature_types = 0;
my $email_git_blame = 0;
my $email_git_blame_signatures = 1;
my $email_git_fallback = 1;
my $email_git_min_signatures = 1;
my $email_git_max_maintainers = 5;
my $email_git_min_percent = 5;
my $email_git_since = "1-year-ago";
my $email_hg_since = "-365";
my $interactive = 0;
my $email_remove_duplicates = 1;
my $email_use_mailmap = 1;
my $output_multiline = 1;
my $output_separator = ", ";
my $output_roles = 0;
my $output_rolestats = 1;
my $scm = 0;
my $web = 0;
my $subsystem = 0;
my $status = 0;
my $keywords = 1;
my $sections = 0;
my $file_emails = 0;
my $from_filename = 0;
my $pattern_depth = 0;
my $version = 0;
my $help = 0;

my $vcs_used = 0;

my $exit = 0;

my %commit_author_hash;
my %commit_signer_hash;

my @penguin_chief = ();
push(@penguin_chief, "Tom Rini:trini\");

my @penguin_chief_names = ();
foreach my $chief (@penguin_chief) {
    if ($chief =~ m/^(.*):(.*)/) {
	my $chief_name = $1;
	my $chief_addr = $2;
	push(@penguin_chief_names, $chief_name);
my $penguin_chiefs = "\(" . join("|", @penguin_chief_names) . "\)";

# Signature types of people who are either
# 	a) responsible for the code in question, or
# 	b) familiar enough with it to give relevant feedback
my @signature_tags = ();
push(@signature_tags, "Signed-off-by:");
push(@signature_tags, "Reviewed-by:");
push(@signature_tags, "Acked-by:");

my $signature_pattern = "\(" . join("|", @signature_tags) . "\)";

# rfc822 email address - preloaded methods go here.
my $rfc822_lwsp = "(?:(?:\\r\\n)?[ \\t])";
my $rfc822_char = '[\\000-\\377]';

# VCS command support: class-like functions and strings

my %VCS_cmds;

my %VCS_cmds_git = (
    "execute_cmd" => \&git_execute_cmd,
    "available" => '(which("git") ne "") && (-e ".git")',
    "find_signers_cmd" =>
	"git log --no-color --follow --since=\$email_git_since " .
	    '--numstat --no-merges ' .
	    '--format="GitCommit: %H%n' .
		      'GitAuthor: %an <%ae>%n' .
		      'GitDate: %aD%n' .
		      'GitSubject: %s%n' .
		      '%b%n"' .
	    " -- \$file",
    "find_commit_signers_cmd" =>
	"git log --no-color " .
	    '--numstat ' .
	    '--format="GitCommit: %H%n' .
		      'GitAuthor: %an <%ae>%n' .
		      'GitDate: %aD%n' .
		      'GitSubject: %s%n' .
		      '%b%n"' .
	    " -1 \$commit",
    "find_commit_author_cmd" =>
	"git log --no-color " .
	    '--numstat ' .
	    '--format="GitCommit: %H%n' .
		      'GitAuthor: %an <%ae>%n' .
		      'GitDate: %aD%n' .
		      'GitSubject: %s%n"' .
	    " -1 \$commit",
    "blame_range_cmd" => "git blame -l -L \$diff_start,+\$diff_length \$file",
    "blame_file_cmd" => "git blame -l \$file",
    "commit_pattern" => "^GitCommit: ([0-9a-f]{40,40})",
    "blame_commit_pattern" => "^([0-9a-f]+) ",
    "author_pattern" => "^GitAuthor: (.*)",
    "subject_pattern" => "^GitSubject: (.*)",
    "stat_pattern" => "^(\\d+)\\t(\\d+)\\t\$file\$",

my %VCS_cmds_hg = (
    "execute_cmd" => \&hg_execute_cmd,
    "available" => '(which("hg") ne "") && (-d ".hg")',
    "find_signers_cmd" =>
	"hg log --date=\$email_hg_since " .
	    "--template='HgCommit: {node}\\n" .
	                "HgAuthor: {author}\\n" .
			"HgSubject: {desc}\\n'" .
	    " -- \$file",
    "find_commit_signers_cmd" =>
	"hg log " .
	    "--template='HgSubject: {desc}\\n'" .
	    " -r \$commit",
    "find_commit_author_cmd" =>
	"hg log " .
	    "--template='HgCommit: {node}\\n" .
		        "HgAuthor: {author}\\n" .
			"HgSubject: {desc|firstline}\\n'" .
	    " -r \$commit",
    "blame_range_cmd" => "",		# not supported
    "blame_file_cmd" => "hg blame -n \$file",
    "commit_pattern" => "^HgCommit: ([0-9a-f]{40,40})",
    "blame_commit_pattern" => "^([ 0-9a-f]+):",
    "author_pattern" => "^HgAuthor: (.*)",
    "subject_pattern" => "^HgSubject: (.*)",
    "stat_pattern" => "^(\\d+)\t(\\d+)\t\$file\$",

my $conf = which_conf(".get_maintainer.conf");
if (-f $conf) {
    my @conf_args;
    open(my $conffile, '<', "$conf")
	or warn "$P: Can't find a readable .get_maintainer.conf file $!\n";

    while (<$conffile>) {
	my $line = $_;

	$line =~ s/\s*\n?$//g;
	$line =~ s/^\s*//g;
	$line =~ s/\s+/ /g;

	next if ($line =~ m/^\s*#/);
	next if ($line =~ m/^\s*$/);

	my @words = split(" ", $line);
	foreach my $word (@words) {
	    last if ($word =~ m/^#/);
	    push (@conf_args, $word);
    unshift(@ARGV, @conf_args) if @conf_args;

if (!GetOptions(
		'email!' => \$email,
		'git!' => \$email_git,
		'git-all-signature-types!' => \$email_git_all_signature_types,
		'git-blame!' => \$email_git_blame,
		'git-blame-signatures!' => \$email_git_blame_signatures,
		'git-fallback!' => \$email_git_fallback,
		'git-chief-penguins!' => \$email_git_penguin_chiefs,
		'git-min-signatures=i' => \$email_git_min_signatures,
		'git-max-maintainers=i' => \$email_git_max_maintainers,
		'git-min-percent=i' => \$email_git_min_percent,
		'git-since=s' => \$email_git_since,
		'hg-since=s' => \$email_hg_since,
		'i|interactive!' => \$interactive,
		'remove-duplicates!' => \$email_remove_duplicates,
		'mailmap!' => \$email_use_mailmap,
		'm!' => \$email_maintainer,
		'n!' => \$email_usename,
		'l!' => \$email_list,
		's!' => \$email_subscriber_list,
		'multiline!' => \$output_multiline,
		'roles!' => \$output_roles,
		'rolestats!' => \$output_rolestats,
		'separator=s' => \$output_separator,
		'subsystem!' => \$subsystem,
		'status!' => \$status,
		'scm!' => \$scm,
		'web!' => \$web,
		'pattern-depth=i' => \$pattern_depth,
		'k|keywords!' => \$keywords,
		'sections!' => \$sections,
		'fe|file-emails!' => \$file_emails,
		'f|file' => \$from_filename,
		'v|version' => \$version,
		'h|help|usage' => \$help,
		)) {
    die "$P: invalid argument - use --help if necessary\n";

if ($help != 0) {
    exit 0;

if ($version != 0) {
    print("${P} ${V}\n");
    exit 0;

if (-t STDIN && !@ARGV) {
    # We're talking to a terminal, but have no command line arguments.
    die "$P: missing patchfile or -f file - use --help if necessary\n";

$output_multiline = 0 if ($output_separator ne ", ");
$output_rolestats = 1 if ($interactive);
$output_roles = 1 if ($output_rolestats);

if ($sections) {
    $email = 0;
    $email_list = 0;
    $scm = 0;
    $status = 0;
    $subsystem = 0;
    $web = 0;
    $keywords = 0;
    $interactive = 0;
} else {
    my $selections = $email + $scm + $status + $subsystem + $web;
    if ($selections == 0) {
	die "$P:  Missing required option: email, scm, status, subsystem or web\n";

if ($email &&
    ($email_maintainer + $email_list + $email_subscriber_list +
     $email_git + $email_git_penguin_chiefs + $email_git_blame) == 0) {
    die "$P: Please select at least 1 email option\n";

if (!top_of_kernel_tree($lk_path)) {
    die "$P: The current directory does not appear to be "
	. "a linux kernel source tree.\n";

## Read MAINTAINERS for type/value pairs

my @typevalue = ();
my %keyword_hash;

my @maint_files = ();
push(@maint_files, "${lk_path}MAINTAINERS");

sub maint_wanted {
    return unless $_ =~ /^MAINTAINERS/;
    push(@maint_files, "$File::Find::name");

File::Find::find(\&maint_wanted, "${lk_path}board");

foreach my $maint_file (@maint_files) {
    my $maint;
    open ($maint, '<', "$maint_file")
	or die "$P: Can't open $maint_file: $!\n";

sub read_maintainers {
    my ($maint) = @_;

    while (<$maint>) {
	my $line = $_;

	if ($line =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/) {
	    my $type = $1;
	    my $value = $2;

	    ##Filename pattern matching
	    if ($type eq "F" || $type eq "X") {
		$value =~ s@\.@\\\.@g;       ##Convert . to \.
		$value =~ s/\*/\.\*/g;       ##Convert * to .*
		$value =~ s/\?/\./g;         ##Convert ? to .
		##if pattern is a directory and it lacks a trailing slash, add one
		if ((-d $value)) {
		    $value =~ s@([^/])$@$1/@;
	    } elsif ($type eq "K") {
		$keyword_hash{@typevalue} = $value;
	    push(@typevalue, "$type:$value");
	} elsif (!/^(\s)*$/) {
	    $line =~ s/\n$//g;
	    push(@typevalue, $line);
321 322 323 324 325 326 327 328 329 330 331 332 333 334 335 336 337 338 339 340 341 342 343 344 345 346 347 348 349 350 351 352 353 354 355 356 357 358 359 360 361 362 363 364 365 366 367 368 369 370 371 372 373 374 375 376 377 378 379 380 381 382 383 384 385 386 387 388 389 390 391 392 393 394 395 396 397 398 399 400 401 402 403 404 405 406 407 408 409 410 411 412 413 414 415 416 417 418 419 420 421 422 423 424 425 426 427 428 429 430 431 432 433 434 435 436 437 438 439 440 441 442 443 444 445 446 447 448 449 450 451 452 453 454 455 456 457 458 459 460 461 462 463 464 465 466 467 468 469 470 471 472 473 474 475 476 477 478 479 480 481 482 483 484 485 486 487 488 489 490 491 492 493 494 495 496 497 498 499 500 501 502 503 504 505 506 507 508 509 510 511 512 513 514 515 516 517 518 519 520 521 522 523 524 525 526 527 528 529 530 531 532 533 534 535 536 537 538 539 540 541 542 543 544 545 546 547 548 549 550 551 552 553 554 555 556 557 558 559 560 561 562 563 564 565 566 567 568 569 570 571 572 573 574 575 576 577 578 579 580 581 582 583 584 585 586 587 588 589 590 591 592 593 594 595 596 597 598 599 600 601 602 603 604 605 606 607 608 609 610 611 612 613 614 615 616 617 618 619 620 621 622 623 624 625 626 627 628 629 630 631 632 633 634 635 636 637 638 639 640 641 642 643 644 645 646 647 648 649 650 651 652 653 654 655 656 657 658 659 660 661 662 663 664 665 666 667 668 669 670 671 672 673 674 675 676 677 678 679 680 681 682 683 684 685 686 687 688 689 690 691 692 693 694 695 696 697 698 699 700 701 702 703 704 705 706 707 708 709 710 711 712 713 714 715 716 717 718 719 720 721 722 723 724 725 726 727 728 729 730 731 732 733 734 735 736 737 738 739 740 741 742 743 744 745 746 747 748 749 750 751 752 753 754 755 756 757 758 759 760 761 762 763 764 765 766 767 768 769 770 771 772 773 774 775 776 777 778 779 780 781 782 783 784 785 786 787 788 789 790 791 792 793 794 795 796 797 798 799 800 801 802 803 804 805 806 807 808 809 810 811 812 813 814 815 816 817 818 819 820 821 822 823 824 825 826 827 828 829 830 831 832 833 834 835 836 837

# Read mail address map

my $mailmap;


sub read_mailmap {
    $mailmap = {
	names => {},
	addresses => {}

    return if (!$email_use_mailmap || !(-f "${lk_path}.mailmap"));

    open(my $mailmap_file, '<', "${lk_path}.mailmap")
	or warn "$P: Can't open .mailmap: $!\n";

    while (<$mailmap_file>) {
	s/#.*$//; #strip comments
	s/^\s+|\s+$//g; #trim

	next if (/^\s*$/); #skip empty lines
	#entries have one of the following formats:
	# name1 <mail1>
	# <mail1> <mail2>
	# name1 <mail1> <mail2>
	# name1 <mail1> name2 <mail2>
	# (see man git-shortlog)

	if (/^([^<]+)<([^>]+)>$/) {
	    my $real_name = $1;
	    my $address = $2;

	    $real_name =~ s/\s+$//;
	    ($real_name, $address) = parse_email("$real_name <$address>");
	    $mailmap->{names}->{$address} = $real_name;

	} elsif (/^<([^>]+)>\s*<([^>]+)>$/) {
	    my $real_address = $1;
	    my $wrong_address = $2;

	    $mailmap->{addresses}->{$wrong_address} = $real_address;

	} elsif (/^(.+)<([^>]+)>\s*<([^>]+)>$/) {
	    my $real_name = $1;
	    my $real_address = $2;
	    my $wrong_address = $3;

	    $real_name =~ s/\s+$//;
	    ($real_name, $real_address) =
		parse_email("$real_name <$real_address>");
	    $mailmap->{names}->{$wrong_address} = $real_name;
	    $mailmap->{addresses}->{$wrong_address} = $real_address;

	} elsif (/^(.+)<([^>]+)>\s*(.+)\s*<([^>]+)>$/) {
	    my $real_name = $1;
	    my $real_address = $2;
	    my $wrong_name = $3;
	    my $wrong_address = $4;

	    $real_name =~ s/\s+$//;
	    ($real_name, $real_address) =
		parse_email("$real_name <$real_address>");

	    $wrong_name =~ s/\s+$//;
	    ($wrong_name, $wrong_address) =
		parse_email("$wrong_name <$wrong_address>");

	    my $wrong_email = format_email($wrong_name, $wrong_address, 1);
	    $mailmap->{names}->{$wrong_email} = $real_name;
	    $mailmap->{addresses}->{$wrong_email} = $real_address;

## use the filenames on the command line or find the filenames in the patchfiles

my @files = ();
my @range = ();
my @keyword_tvi = ();
my @file_emails = ();

if (!@ARGV) {
    push(@ARGV, "&STDIN");

foreach my $file (@ARGV) {
    if ($file ne "&STDIN") {
	##if $file is a directory and it lacks a trailing slash, add one
	if ((-d $file)) {
	    $file =~ s@([^/])$@$1/@;
	} elsif (!(-f $file)) {
	    die "$P: file '${file}' not found\n";
    if ($from_filename) {
	push(@files, $file);
	if ($file ne "MAINTAINERS" && -f $file && ($keywords || $file_emails)) {
	    open(my $f, '<', $file)
		or die "$P: Can't open $file: $!\n";
	    my $text = do { local($/) ; <$f> };
	    if ($keywords) {
		foreach my $line (keys %keyword_hash) {
		    if ($text =~ m/$keyword_hash{$line}/x) {
			push(@keyword_tvi, $line);
	    if ($file_emails) {
		my @poss_addr = $text =~ m$[A-Za-zÀ-ÿ\"\' \,\.\+-]*\s*[\,]*\s*[\(\<\{]{0,1}[A-Za-z0-9_\.\+-]+\@[A-Za-z0-9\.-]+\.[A-Za-z0-9]+[\)\>\}]{0,1}$g;
		push(@file_emails, clean_file_emails(@poss_addr));
    } else {
	my $file_cnt = @files;
	my $lastfile;

	open(my $patch, "< $file")
	    or die "$P: Can't open $file: $!\n";

	# We can check arbitrary information before the patch
	# like the commit message, mail headers, etc...
	# This allows us to match arbitrary keywords against any part
	# of a git format-patch generated file (subject tags, etc...)

	my $patch_prefix = "";			#Parsing the intro

	while (<$patch>) {
	    my $patch_line = $_;
	    if (m/^\+\+\+\s+(\S+)/ or m/^---\s+(\S+)/) {
		my $filename = $1;
		$filename =~ s@^[^/]*/@@;
		$filename =~ s@\n@@;
		$lastfile = $filename;
		push(@files, $filename);
		$patch_prefix = "^[+-].*";	#Now parsing the actual patch
	    } elsif (m/^\@\@ -(\d+),(\d+)/) {
		if ($email_git_blame) {
		    push(@range, "$lastfile:$1:$2");
	    } elsif ($keywords) {
		foreach my $line (keys %keyword_hash) {
		    if ($patch_line =~ m/${patch_prefix}$keyword_hash{$line}/x) {
			push(@keyword_tvi, $line);

	if ($file_cnt == @files) {
	    warn "$P: file '${file}' doesn't appear to be a patch.  "
		. "Add -f to options?\n";
	@files = sort_and_uniq(@files);

@file_emails = uniq(@file_emails);

my %email_hash_name;
my %email_hash_address;
my @email_to = ();
my %hash_list_to;
my @list_to = ();
my @scm = ();
my @web = ();
my @subsystem = ();
my @status = ();
my %deduplicate_name_hash = ();
my %deduplicate_address_hash = ();

my @maintainers = get_maintainers();

if (@maintainers) {
    @maintainers = merge_email(@maintainers);

if ($scm) {
    @scm = uniq(@scm);

if ($status) {
    @status = uniq(@status);

if ($subsystem) {
    @subsystem = uniq(@subsystem);

if ($web) {
    @web = uniq(@web);


sub range_is_maintained {
    my ($start, $end) = @_;

    for (my $i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
	my $line = $typevalue[$i];
	if ($line =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/) {
	    my $type = $1;
	    my $value = $2;
	    if ($type eq 'S') {
		if ($value =~ /(maintain|support)/i) {
		    return 1;
    return 0;

sub range_has_maintainer {
    my ($start, $end) = @_;

    for (my $i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
	my $line = $typevalue[$i];
	if ($line =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/) {
	    my $type = $1;
	    my $value = $2;
	    if ($type eq 'M') {
		return 1;
    return 0;

sub get_maintainers {
    %email_hash_name = ();
    %email_hash_address = ();
    %commit_author_hash = ();
    %commit_signer_hash = ();
    @email_to = ();
    %hash_list_to = ();
    @list_to = ();
    @scm = ();
    @web = ();
    @subsystem = ();
    @status = ();
    %deduplicate_name_hash = ();
    %deduplicate_address_hash = ();
    if ($email_git_all_signature_types) {
	$signature_pattern = "(.+?)[Bb][Yy]:";
    } else {
	$signature_pattern = "\(" . join("|", @signature_tags) . "\)";

    # Find responsible parties

    my %exact_pattern_match_hash = ();

    foreach my $file (@files) {

	my %hash;
	my $tvi = find_first_section();
	while ($tvi < @typevalue) {
	    my $start = find_starting_index($tvi);
	    my $end = find_ending_index($tvi);
	    my $exclude = 0;
	    my $i;

	    #Do not match excluded file patterns

	    for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
		my $line = $typevalue[$i];
		if ($line =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/) {
		    my $type = $1;
		    my $value = $2;
		    if ($type eq 'X') {
			if (file_match_pattern($file, $value)) {
			    $exclude = 1;

	    if (!$exclude) {
		for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
		    my $line = $typevalue[$i];
		    if ($line =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/) {
			my $type = $1;
			my $value = $2;
			if ($type eq 'F') {
			    if (file_match_pattern($file, $value)) {
				my $value_pd = ($value =~ tr@/@@);
				my $file_pd = ($file  =~ tr@/@@);
				$value_pd++ if (substr($value,-1,1) ne "/");
				$value_pd = -1 if ($value =~ /^\.\*/);
				if ($value_pd >= $file_pd &&
				    range_is_maintained($start, $end) &&
				    range_has_maintainer($start, $end)) {
				    $exact_pattern_match_hash{$file} = 1;
				if ($pattern_depth == 0 ||
				    (($file_pd - $value_pd) < $pattern_depth)) {
				    $hash{$tvi} = $value_pd;
			} elsif ($type eq 'N') {
			    if ($file =~ m/$value/x) {
				$hash{$tvi} = 0;
	    $tvi = $end + 1;

	foreach my $line (sort {$hash{$b} <=> $hash{$a}} keys %hash) {
	    if ($sections) {
		my $i;
		my $start = find_starting_index($line);
		my $end = find_ending_index($line);
		for ($i = $start; $i < $end; $i++) {
		    my $line = $typevalue[$i];
		    if ($line =~ /^[FX]:/) {		##Restore file patterns
			$line =~ s/([^\\])\.([^\*])/$1\?$2/g;
			$line =~ s/([^\\])\.$/$1\?/g;	##Convert . back to ?
			$line =~ s/\\\./\./g;       	##Convert \. to .
			$line =~ s/\.\*/\*/g;       	##Convert .* to *
		    $line =~ s/^([A-Z]):/$1:\t/g;

    if ($keywords) {
	@keyword_tvi = sort_and_uniq(@keyword_tvi);
	foreach my $line (@keyword_tvi) {

    foreach my $email (@email_to, @list_to) {
	$email->[0] = deduplicate_email($email->[0]);

    foreach my $file (@files) {
	if ($email &&
	    ($email_git || ($email_git_fallback &&
			    !$exact_pattern_match_hash{$file}))) {
	if ($email && $email_git_blame) {

    if ($email) {
	foreach my $chief (@penguin_chief) {
	    if ($chief =~ m/^(.*):(.*)/) {
		my $email_address;

		$email_address = format_email($1, $2, $email_usename);
		if ($email_git_penguin_chiefs) {
		    push(@email_to, [$email_address, 'chief penguin']);
		} else {
		    @email_to = grep($_->[0] !~ /${email_address}/, @email_to);

	foreach my $email (@file_emails) {
	    my ($name, $address) = parse_email($email);

	    my $tmp_email = format_email($name, $address, $email_usename);
	    push_email_address($tmp_email, '');
	    add_role($tmp_email, 'in file');

    my @to = ();
    if ($email || $email_list) {
	if ($email) {
	    @to = (@to, @email_to);
	if ($email_list) {
	    @to = (@to, @list_to);

    if ($interactive) {
	@to = interactive_get_maintainers(\@to);

    return @to;

sub file_match_pattern {
    my ($file, $pattern) = @_;
    if (substr($pattern, -1) eq "/") {
	if ($file =~ m@^$pattern@) {
	    return 1;
    } else {
	if ($file =~ m@^$pattern@) {
	    my $s1 = ($file =~ tr@/@@);
	    my $s2 = ($pattern =~ tr@/@@);
	    if ($s1 == $s2) {
		return 1;
    return 0;

sub usage {
    print <<EOT;
usage: $P [options] patchfile
       $P [options] -f file|directory
version: $V

MAINTAINER field selection options:
  --email => print email address(es) if any
    --git => include recent git \*-by: signers
    --git-all-signature-types => include signers regardless of signature type
        or use only ${signature_pattern} signers (default: $email_git_all_signature_types)
    --git-fallback => use git when no exact MAINTAINERS pattern (default: $email_git_fallback)
    --git-chief-penguins => include ${penguin_chiefs}
    --git-min-signatures => number of signatures required (default: $email_git_min_signatures)
    --git-max-maintainers => maximum maintainers to add (default: $email_git_max_maintainers)
    --git-min-percent => minimum percentage of commits required (default: $email_git_min_percent)
    --git-blame => use git blame to find modified commits for patch or file
    --git-since => git history to use (default: $email_git_since)
    --hg-since => hg history to use (default: $email_hg_since)
    --interactive => display a menu (mostly useful if used with the --git option)
    --m => include maintainer(s) if any
    --n => include name 'Full Name <addr\@domain.tld>'
    --l => include list(s) if any
    --s => include subscriber only list(s) if any
    --remove-duplicates => minimize duplicate email names/addresses
    --roles => show roles (status:subsystem, git-signer, list, etc...)
    --rolestats => show roles and statistics (commits/total_commits, %)
    --file-emails => add email addresses found in -f file (default: 0 (off))
  --scm => print SCM tree(s) if any
  --status => print status if any
  --subsystem => print subsystem name if any
  --web => print website(s) if any

Output type options:
  --separator [, ] => separator for multiple entries on 1 line
    using --separator also sets --nomultiline if --separator is not [, ]
  --multiline => print 1 entry per line

Other options:
  --pattern-depth => Number of pattern directory traversals (default: 0 (all))
  --keywords => scan patch for keywords (default: $keywords)
  --sections => print all of the subsystem sections with pattern matches
  --mailmap => use .mailmap file (default: $email_use_mailmap)
  --version => show version
  --help => show this help information

Default options:
  [--email --nogit --git-fallback --m --n --l --multiline -pattern-depth=0
   --remove-duplicates --rolestats]

  Using "-f directory" may give unexpected results:
      Used with "--git", git signators for _all_ files in and below
          directory are examined as git recurses directories.
          Any specified X: (exclude) pattern matches are _not_ ignored.
      Used with "--nogit", directory is used as a pattern match,
          no individual file within the directory or subdirectory
          is matched.
      Used with "--git-blame", does not iterate all files in directory
  Using "--git-blame" is slow and may add old committers and authors
      that are no longer active maintainers to the output.
  Using "--roles" or "--rolestats" with git send-email --cc-cmd or any
      other automated tools that expect only ["name"] <email address>
      may not work because of additional output after <email address>.
  Using "--rolestats" and "--git-blame" shows the #/total=% commits,
      not the percentage of the entire file authored.  # of commits is
      not a good measure of amount of code authored.  1 major commit may
      contain a thousand lines, 5 trivial commits may modify a single line.
  If git is not installed, but mercurial (hg) is installed and an .hg
      repository exists, the following options apply to mercurial:
          --git-min-signatures, --git-max-maintainers, --git-min-percent, and
      Use --hg-since not --git-since to control date selection
  File ".get_maintainer.conf", if it exists in the linux kernel source root
      directory, can change whatever get_maintainer defaults are desired.
      Entries in this file can be any command line argument.
      This file is prepended to any additional command line arguments.
      Multiple lines and # comments are allowed.

sub top_of_kernel_tree {
    my ($lk_path) = @_;

    if ($lk_path ne "" && substr($lk_path,length($lk_path)-1,1) ne "/") {
	$lk_path .= "/";
    if (   (-f "${lk_path}Kbuild")
	&& (-f "${lk_path}MAINTAINERS")
	&& (-f "${lk_path}Makefile")
	&& (-f "${lk_path}README")
	&& (-d "${lk_path}arch")
	&& (-d "${lk_path}board")
	&& (-d "${lk_path}common")
	&& (-d "${lk_path}doc")
	&& (-d "${lk_path}drivers")
	&& (-d "${lk_path}dts")
	&& (-d "${lk_path}fs")
	&& (-d "${lk_path}lib")
	&& (-d "${lk_path}include")
	&& (-d "${lk_path}net")
	&& (-d "${lk_path}post")
	&& (-d "${lk_path}scripts")
	&& (-d "${lk_path}test")
	&& (-d "${lk_path}tools")) {
	return 1;
    return 0;

sub parse_email {
    my ($formatted_email) = @_;

    my $name = "";
    my $address = "";

    if ($formatted_email =~ /^([^<]+)<(.+\@.*)>.*$/) {
	$name = $1;
	$address = $2;
    } elsif ($formatted_email =~ /^\s*<(.+\@\S*)>.*$/) {
	$address = $1;
    } elsif ($formatted_email =~ /^(.+\@\S*).*$/) {
	$address = $1;

    $name =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
    $name =~ s/^\"|\"$//g;
    $address =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;

    if ($name =~ /[^\w \-]/i) {  	 ##has "must quote" chars
	$name =~ s/(?<!\\)"/\\"/g;       ##escape quotes
	$name = "\"$name\"";

    return ($name, $address);

sub format_email {
    my ($name, $address, $usename) = @_;

    my $formatted_email;

    $name =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
    $name =~ s/^\"|\"$//g;
    $address =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;

    if ($name =~ /[^\w \-]/i) {          ##has "must quote" chars
	$name =~ s/(?<!\\)"/\\"/g;       ##escape quotes
	$name = "\"$name\"";

    if ($usename) {
	if ("$name" eq "") {
	    $formatted_email = "$address";
	} else {
	    $formatted_email = "$name <$address>";
    } else {
	$formatted_email = $address;

    return $formatted_email;

sub find_first_section {
    my $index = 0;

    while ($index < @typevalue) {
	my $tv = $typevalue[$index];
	if (($tv =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/)) {

    return $index;

sub find_starting_index {
    my ($index) = @_;

    while ($index > 0) {
	my $tv = $typevalue[$index];
	if (!($tv =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/)) {

    return $index;

sub find_ending_index {
    my ($index) = @_;

    while ($index < @typevalue) {
	my $tv = $typevalue[$index];
	if (!($tv =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/)) {

    return $index;

sub get_maintainer_role {
    my ($index) = @_;

    my $i;
    my $start = find_starting_index($index);
    my $end = find_ending_index($index);

    my $role = "unknown";
    my $subsystem = $typevalue[$start];
    if (length($subsystem) > 20) {
	$subsystem = substr($subsystem, 0, 17);
	$subsystem =~ s/\s*$//;
	$subsystem = $subsystem . "...";

    for ($i = $start + 1; $i < $end; $i++) {
	my $tv = $typevalue[$i];
	if ($tv =~ m/^(\C):\s*(.*)/) {
	    my $ptype = $1;
	    my $pvalue = $2;
	    if ($ptype eq "S") {
		$role = $pvalue;

    $role = lc($role);
    if      ($role eq "supported") {
	$role = "supporter";
    } elsif ($role eq "maintained") {
	$role = "maintainer";
    } elsif ($role eq "odd fixes") {
	$role = "odd fixer";
    } elsif ($role eq "orphan") {
	$role = "orphan minder";
    } elsif ($role eq "obsolete") {
	$role = "obsolete minder";
    } elsif ($role eq "buried alive in reporters") {
	$role = "chief penguin";

    return $role . ":" . $subsystem;